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Target Your Personal Injury Marketing to Reach the Right Audience

Alex Valencia
Published   September 23, 2024

Content for personal injury marketing absolutely must to speak to the right audience. Are you speaking to the victim or the victim’s family in your content?  This is a very important distinction, because, in many cases of catastrophic injury, the victim will be unable to search for an attorney. In fact, it’s most often the family of the victim that’s looking for your content.

When writing about your services as a personal injury attorney, you need to keep in mind who you are talking to and ensure your content is written in the proper tone and voice.

Second vs. Third Person in Legal Content

Part of a good personal injury marketing campaign is knowing your target audience. If you’re a personal injury attorney you are dealing with catastrophic, often fatal accidents – injury or death claims in these cases are typically filed by family members and not the victims themselves.

When you begin writing content it’s important to distinguish the difference between writing in second person and third person.

Second person is when you address the reader directly. This style of writing may establish a feeling of authority. You (the attorney) are telling the victim or their family about their situation and what to do.

Third person is generally a safe bet when it comes to legal content. It is a generalized style of writing that uses phrases like “a victim” or “the patient” instead of directly identifying personal pronouns. The reason third person is favored for personal injury marketing content is because most likely the victim is seriously injured, probably in the hospital, and is solely thinking about recovery. It’s most likely that their loved ones are the ones looking up information, whether or not they have a case, and if they should hire a lawyer.

Not sure where to start when writing your content? We are here to help! Book a free 30 minute audit with us to see how we can help you get your tone, content, and site to seamlessly express your firm’s goals, values, and results.

Consider Your Audience’s Native Language

One way to make your website stand out over your competitors is to have content available in other languages. Everyone experiences trauma, accident, and injuries, regardless of the language they speak. By having content available in their native language, it makes it one step easier for potential clients to know that they can trust you with their issue, even if they speak other languages. If you’re interested in getting content written in other languages, We Do Web is one of the only content firms that hand-writes content in other languages. Using Google translate to translate your content is not only dangerous, but often inaccurate and tends to ignore natural language, opting for formal exact translations.

Consider Your Audience’s State of Mind

When writing content about fatal accidents and wrongful death it is extremely important that you remember you are writing to families who have just suffered the tragic loss of a loved one. This extends to the vernacular you use, the calls to action, and even the imagery you choose. Inappropriate imagery can make light of the situation, or make someone feel worse about the situation, which is not something you want a visitor to your law firm’s website to experience. While this may seem like common sense, we’ve seen this on more than a few occasions.

Web writing about your services as a wrongful death attorney should take a compassionate tone but not overly emotional. Instead of approaching the reader with filler statements such as, “we know this is a difficult time” – instead, assure them that they have your law firm for help:

“The Smith & Smith Law Firm can help you during this difficult time. We strive to ease your mind during your free consultation where our dedicated wrongful death attorneys explain your rights and options to file a claim against the parties responsible for your loved one’s death.”

The goal of personal injury marketing is to give your audience what they’re looking for and show them that by contacting your office they’ll get even more personalized information. We Do Web content’s writing services help law firms get the most out of their personal injury marketing strategies. Contact us today for a free consultation about your content potential! Call 888-521-3880.

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