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Illustrations Webinars

Learn Effective Law Firm Hiring and How to Build a Successful Team

Alex Valencia
Published   February 5, 2021

“The most dependable and consistent way to be successful in your business is to turn your team’s performance into profit.”

What you’ll get from this video:

  • Understand how to seek and hire stellar talent to grow your firm.
  • Get answers to your most-pressing hiring questions from the industry leader, Jay Henderson.
  • Discover how to maximize your ROI with the right team.

Meet the hosts:

Alex Valencia – President of We Do Web Content

Jay Henderson – Performance Expert

“I have invested over 20 years studying how people perform in business and sports. I help leaders get out of their own way to get greater performance — especially during difficult, high-pressure environments.”

Jay Henderson is a performance & leadership expert, speaker, and the author of The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Super-Stars in Any Small Business. He is also the creator of “The 5 Shifts to Greater Profits” — a proven method that accelerates any business result you seek. Jay is one of the most sought-after leadership performance consultants and hiring experts in the country, regularly speaking at national conventions for business leaders.

To learn more about building a successful law firm, be sure to read our how to build your own law firm article.

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