Google announced the September 2023 helpful content update last Friday, leaving business owners, website owners, and SEOs all eager to uncover what changes might be in store. And for good reason. This is a sitewide update, meaning the update will affect the whole website, not just select pages. Is your site prepared? Click for a free 15 min content audit.... Read More
Think about the last time you came across content that made you say: “Wow, this is exactly what I needed.” What did you do next? Did you… Seek out more information from that source? Share the content with a friend? Make a purchase? We’re sure you’ve also come across content that made you think: “Who could possibly find this helpful?!”... Read More
Imagine you’re on your boat for a relaxing day trip off the coast… It’s just you and some friends enjoying well-deserved time away from all your responsibilities. Steely Dan plays through your speaker; the sun is hot, but the salty breeze keeps you cool. You’re reminiscing and sipping an ice-cold lemon La Croix when all of a sudden – WHAM!... Read More
It’s a tale as old as time: A man gets a tattoo of his girlfriend’s name in a bold, romantic gesture… Only for their relationship to fall apart sometime after that. He’s left with a constant reminder of a failed romance, while a passerby on the street is left wondering, “who’s Jessica?” This tattoo represents a valuable lesson everyone should... Read More
Overview: “76% of lawyers are saying that they are overworked” and spend too many hours doing administrative tasks, says Maddy Martin, VP of Marketing at In today’s episode, your host Alex Valencia and guest speaker Maddy discuss the ways you can convert more clients from your law firm SEO traffic using virtual receptionists and live chats. One of the... Read More
Your clients are consumers–they are customers shopping around for their legal representation. While no two clients are alike in their process for hiring an attorney, they do share some common stages of necessity: Stage 1 – Curiosity Most individuals research lawyers out of necessity, not leisure. During this phase, your marketing should resonate and leave a memorable impression. They don’t... Read More
Want a legal website that attracts clients who are ready to convert and earns great organic search rankings? Then you need a content strategy. Too many legal websites I see are simply blogging or creating content for the sake of it. However, there’s a lot more to a content strategy than just creating content. Let me say it again: you need... Read More
October 16, 2009 – As an attorney you are most likely confined to a specific geographic area for your legal practice, so you need to pay special attention to local search when marketing your legal services. People in your geographic region are looking for local attorneys, and they will be searching using geographic keywords and phrases on search engines and websites... Read More
Does your attorney website content resemble state statutes? Or does local jargon seep into your personal injury blog? Your tone and vocabulary play a crucial role in making content appealing to readers. A good article writing service will pick up on the nature of your “language” and weave it into your content, but there are cases when too much conversational language... Read More
Have you ever felt like the underdog? Maybe your firm is growing in drips and drabs and has a long history of losing to the giants in your specialty who literally have million-dollar-plus marketing budgets. It can feel impossible to break out of ‘underdog’ territory, especially when you don’t have an advertising or marketing budget comparable to the big dogs’.... Read More
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